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Tamarind Dip

Tennis ball size dry tamarind
1 Tbsp Cumin seeds

1 Tbsp Sugar
2 tsp Salt

Boil the tamarind until the raw taste is gone. Filter and discard the tamarind skin. Now, cook the juice again until it is of a thicker consistency. Not as much as ketchup, but thick like "ranch". Roast cumin seeds and make a powder. Add this to the filtered tamarind juice, add sugar and salt. Let it cool.

Use this as a dip for Samosas, Garnish for Bhelpuri etc.,


rekha said...

hi pallavi'
your tamrind dip receipe is very good! can i use it as a slad dip?

Pallavi said...

Thanks Rekha. The tamarind dip will be a bit sour. You can use it as is or dilute it with water as per your liking and use it as a salad dressing. Should taste great ! (if you have a thing for sour like me :))
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